It’s hard to imagine the German startup and founder scene without the Startup Insider Podcast! For several years, our editorial team has been delivering what is probably the best newsletter in the German startup landscape and, since May 2020, the Startup Insider Podcast. With now four episodes per day, we offer a comprehensive overview of the most important news, trends and investments. The focus is on sharing and passing on know-how. In addition to our morning update on business and financial news, in our other episodes we invite key scene players, founders, investors and analyze current trends in expert interviews. We also have numerous regular formats, such as “young startups”, where startups pitch; “read only”, where trade books are presented, “Media Talk”, where more startup media are presented or “To Infinity and Beyond”, the series around Blockchain, Web 3.0, Crypto and NFT. In the Startup Insider Podcast we combine young with professional and thus form the daily MustHave for the startup world.