Put on your running shoes and go:runskills is your running community that supports you with questions about training, competition, motivation and nutrition. Are you just starting your running career, do you already participate in small or big races or are you ambitiously training for a half marathon or marathon? Then you’ve come to the right place! The “Laufwiesel” Susi and Dennis will regularly provide you with informative, entertaining, educational and exciting running topics. The topics can be as diverse as the runners from Munich – from training planning, running equipment, nutrition tips, race planning, marathon travel and health to alternative sports, ultramarathon and trail running. runskills shows you how varied, beautiful and life-changing running can be. Because: “When it comes to running, there are only winners. “To do this, they report on their own running experiences, draw on their knowledge as budding endurance coaches, and get one or two experts in front of the microphone.Just like the two themselves, the runskills podcast is also: honest, authentic, unbiased, genuine, undogmatic, and coming from the heart. “We run for chocolate. And why do you run?